Kategori: Other Translations

Editorship for Cocodema x AKM Cooperation

Editorship for Cocodema x AKM Cooperation

I was the fortunate editor of this cooperative project by COCODEMA and AKM, launching this week. I hope you enjoy these beautiful scents and plant frames in AKM Design Store! #grandruedepera https://akmistanbul.gov.tr/design-shop https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs8wGtaonlA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MmJiY2I4NDBkZg%3D%3D

Article translation: Talking to children about Afghanistan: “Words of humanity as the refugee crisis worsens”

Article translation: Talking to children about Afghanistan: “Words of humanity as the refugee crisis worsens”

Çocuklara Afganistan’ı anlatmak: mülteci krizi büyürken insanlığa dair sözler Mültecilere yardım çalışmaları konusunda tecrübeli yazar Onjali Q. Raúf, Afganistan’daki durum kötüleşirken neler yapabileceğimize dair görüşlerini paylaştı. Ayrıca 6-8 yaş aralığına yönelik küçük bir İngilizce kitap listesi… You can’t speak of it.It is the unspeakable.You can’t say it.It is the unsayable.You can’t say what you know.It …

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